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Omni Akademija - a platform for personal development and self-growth

The ultimate place for self-improvement and spiritual renewal or awakening through guided and expert-led courses.



UI&UX Design,
Frontend Development,
Backend Development,
Project Management



Omni Akademija



March 2021 – July 2022


Due to the fast-paced life that we live today, it has become quite a struggle to feel grounded and at peace. With the clutter of information we are served every day and every hour alongside having less and less time for oneself, an unhealthy lifestyle is an imminent occurrence in one’s life, sooner or later. Luckily, for those of us that do not know how or where to start when changing our lives for the better, there are experts such as the personnel of Omni Akademija to guide us along the way. The company’s utmost goal is to create a place for learning about finding joy and fun in everyday tasks, building practical and lifelong skills, alongside much more.


The company founded in 2019, Omni Akademija promotes the dissemination of knowledge gathered from all over the world, from various walks of life and fields of interest. Be it healthy cooking, finding inner peace, or better life practices, Omni Akademija makes sure to cover various holistic aspects of life.
Given the nature of the application that was created – a safe space and sanctuary for all things spiritual and nature-related, the creation of the web page was an elaborate task in order for it to be indicative of the company’s mission.

The progress of the project can be divided into a total of 3 phases so far:

1) Discovery, branding, wireframing, and UI&UX creation

2) Implementation of new features and main feature – courses

3) Payment provider implementation

At the beginning of the project, during the design phase, we often met with the clients to determine the project’s artistic direction. Since the website is a place where an individual goes to relax and rejuvenate their mind, we made it our mission to create an application that will support doing precisely that – relaxing. We did so during the application creation with the clients who are highly versed in the area at hand.

Upon completion of creating the web design, the functionalities and animations were also created by our development team.


Style guide definition, alongside wireframe, UI & UX creation

Upon the project’s inception, Omni Akademija already had an existing web page. However, the client wished to have a far more interactive and appealing web page than what they were using at that moment.

The beginning phase of our work with the company was to determine the color scheme and which elements required illustrations that were going to be found throughout the application. As aforementioned, the challenge was to choose a color palette that will evoke a sense of tranquility and ease yet be enticing to draw in the users to watch the offered courses. Upon creating the style guide, the next step was to determine the app's user flow. Said is customary in the design process in order to determine the flow through the app alongside the skeletal modeling of each page which determines the page layout.


Implementation of new alongside the main feature

The main concept behind the client’s business is to create courses via which they will deliver the knowledge and experience they are teaching. The courses differ in content yet are similar in the sense that all are presented in the form of variously during episodes. The users are able to choose whether they want to focus on the completion of a single course by purchasing solely the course of their interest. Or if they wish to have access to all the media on the company’s platform by purchasing the yearly subscription plan.
Despite the courses being their core focus, Omni Akademija recognizes that learning might not always be the most fun or instantaneously rewarding experience. In order to entice their users to view as much content as possible, they have created a Loyalty program. Via said program users are able to collect seedlings for certain viewing content. The collecting progress is displayed via the Loyalty program side drawer tree loader which displays the percentage towards achieving a tree planting.


Payment provider implementation

The ultimate challenge when developing the project at hand was the implementation of the chosen payment provider. Omni Akademija had already been using Stripe - a financial service provider offering their own payment processing software, which was then implemented into the new web application. Although it might not seem that way, the payment functionality entails a plethora of use cases. Considering that, during the backend implementation in PHP there had been given great attention to even the most minute of details. This was done in order to facilitate the functioning of every variant of the stated components making it now safe to say that there isn’t a settlement case left uncovered. Users are able to select between the two aforementioned subscription types that will be handled with utmost ease.

what we have


After a year of development, we are more than proud to release an aesthetic yet simple web page intended for personal growth and self-improvement. With the simple and calming animations, alongside the content of the courses, Omni Akademija users are destined to be drawn to the same-name application. Whether it is the breathing exercise app introduction or the animated backgrounds of the webpage, the users are guaranteed an incredibly satisfying experience. Each member of the Async Labs team that participated in the production, whether it be Design, Project Management, or Development, had the utmost pleasure of participating in such type of a project.

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“ The whole Async Labs team did a fantastic job, and the final product's quality is extraordinary! ”

Luka Radiković Product Manager, Omni Akademija
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